.. include:: ../deprecation-notice.rst .. _bonsai_rhd2164dev: RHD2164Device =============================== A `Bonsai source `__ that wraps a :ref:`onidatasheet_rhd2164` device. :Inputs: None :Outputs: A ``RHD2164DataFrame`` that contains one or more samples from all 64 analog inputs and auxiliary channels. - This type is a buffered set of the :ref:`Device To Host Data Frame ` specified on the :ref:`onidatasheet_rhd2164` device datasheet. - The number of samples in each output is determined by the ``BlockSize`` parameter .. raw:: html {% with static_path = '../../../_static', name = 'RHD2164' %} {% include 'workflow.html' %} {% endwith %} Configuration -------------------------- Configuration is performed using the property pane which contains the following options. .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Description * - EnableStream - boolean - Enable the device data stream * - BlockSize - integer - The number of 64-channel ephys + auxiliary channel samples that are included in each RHD2164DataFrame. Larger numbers result in less overhead at the cost of larger buffering latencies. * - AnalogHighCutoff - enum - Select a high-frequency cutoff from allowable options. This filtering is performed prior to analog to digital conversion. * - AnalogLowCutoff - enum - Select a low-frequency cutoff from allowable options. This filtering is performed prior to analog to digital conversion. * - DSPCutoff - enum - Select the low-frequency cutoff for the integrated digital offset removal filter. This filtering is performed following analog to digital conversion. * - EphysDataFormat - enum - The format of the ephys samples within the RHD2164DataFrame. - Unsigned: raw 16-bit unsigned integer conversion results in offset binary. .. math:: \mu V = 0.195 \mu V/LSB * (Sample - 32768.0) - TwosCompliment: raw 16-bit signed integer conversion results in two's complement. .. math:: \mu V = 0.195 \mu V/LSB * Sample - MicroVolts: 32-bit floating-point sample values in microvolts. * - AuxDataFormat - enum - The format of the auxiliary samples within the RHD2164DataFrame. - Unsigned: raw 16-bit unsigned integer conversion results. - Volts: 32-bit floating-point voltages.